Asianhiphop starts its journey in 2013. Since then it started promoting UG & Mainstream artists from southeast Asia to overseas. The goal was to bring out a massive collaboration among them. Its primary activities were held at Hong Kong & California, United States. After 2014 all the promotional campaign handed over to Dhaka based promoters (Bangladesh). After 2015, the promoters went busy in study, job and personal stuff. We are back again to stay active and promote Hip Hop music!
The original track was a mumble rap released by ‘Bhanga Bangla’ and It was their debut. Mr. Judge aka Faisal Bhuiyan decides to make it’s lyrical version just for an entertainment purpose. . After the successful completion of unifying Narayangonj Hip Hop named Narayangonj Hip Hop unite, Mr. Judge starts making random tracks to fill up his fan’s demand. “Definitely they are doing well. It's a good sign for Bangladeshi Hip Hop. If every rapper from underground takes this kind of approaches, We will have a better music industry for sure.”, said a Rap song listener, Sarowar. “The aim of producing this kind of track is to entertain and reach out to the Rap listeners across the country” said Mr. Judge. The music video 'Matha ta Fatabo Remix' nicely edited by Abdullah & Matheon. Zakaria Tahsin helped to produce it. Rafsan Ahmed plays an important role engineering the audio. MAC production successfully did the recording. And h...
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